Mods Night Mon 8-17-09

Started by _AH_Moggy, August 12, 2009, 10:39:03 PM

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~S~ all:

I'd like to run a test mission with the Swordfish Mk I next monday night.  For those interested, here is a link to the download containing the new plane (and some new skins):  

Note:  For those that have already installed the "Beta 3" version of the Swordfish, you'll need a small file fix, available here:

Though it's only a test mission, it will be a recreation of the FAA raid on Taranto in Nov 1940, and should be a barn-burner.  So, even if you don't care for the plane, you might want to install it just to fly the mission.

We can also refly if on Tues night if enough people want to (I realize that many folks here regularly take Monday nights off).



Ill make sure im ready for it Moggy ~S~


"In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Good Will" - Winston S. Churchill


so we can taxi on the carrier without nose-n-over
...if it's just for fun, why do they keep points?


Ohh, I see.

Quote from: _AH_Moggy on August 12, 2009, 10:39:03 PM
and should be a barn-burner.

Moggy, I know you're not big on historical accuracy, but I think the british were going after the italian fleet at taranto, not attacking barns. You're really starting to disappoint me...


"In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Good Will" - Winston S. Churchill


Please show up ready guys. I know that some of you are busy, but waiting for people to install last time was really just unnecessary.


Boosher,  People are just trying to participate and help out if they can.  Please don't bash them for trying.  Besides I think things went well for the test.  Don't you?


~S~ all:
An update for this mission.  Everyone will have to have the Carrier Takeoff mod 5_3_3 installed.  It's included in the link previously provided below (for those that don't yet have the Swordfish), but for those that already do have it, here's the link for this mod:



Quote from: _AH_DarkWolf on August 12, 2009, 11:58:59 PM
...Moggy, I know you're not big on historical accuracy, but I think the british were going after the italian fleet at taranto, not attacking barns. You're really starting to disappoint me...


Oh yeah?  Check this out then:

from Cameron, Ian; "Wings of the Morning:  The British Fleet Air Arm in World War II;"  Wm. Morrow
& Co, 1963, pg 51:

"...The next two pilots, Swayne and Kemp, found an even jucier target:  the "Littorio:"  Italy's newest and largest battleship, a giant of over 35,000 tons with nearly a dozen fifteen-inch guns.  They dived on her, one from the quarter, one from the bow.  They dropped their torpedoes almost simultaneously, and from so close that Swayne had to fly slap over the battleship's deck before he could bank away.  And both torpedoes ran true.  Kemp's hit the "Littorio" on the starboard bow;  it blasted a hole in her fifty feet wide and thirty feet high.  Swayne's hit her amidships, blasting a hole over thirty feet square.  And almost at once the "Littorio," pride of the Italian fleet, began to settle by the bows.  Soon her deck was awash.
  Before commencing their return flight, Swayne spotted another target of opportunity:  A large reddish barn near the southeastern-most balloon barrage cable.  He decided that this target was
simply too tempting to leave untouched, so he made several strafing runs on it with his single
.303 MG, eventually setting it afire.  Immediately after, several Italians were reported by his
gunner to be seen fleeing the barn, most in various states of undress.  The gunner requested that
Swayne raise the nose of their plane so he could himself get in a burst or two on the apparently
panic-stricken blighters.  Swayne demurred, feeling that he had already done enough damage for the


Really....I'll be looking for that reddish barn during the test then!


"In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Good Will" - Winston S. Churchill
