The Sicilian Campaign: Misson #5 - Full Moon Over Licata

Started by _AH_Autorotate, October 06, 2009, 12:09:40 PM

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"Co Producer: _AH_Doc"

The Sicilian Campaign
Mission #4:
Full Moon Over Licata
July 26th 1943

There is a full moon over Licata tonight and who wouldn't take advantage of this fair weather night. We will be launching
a raid on the city and its airfield in preparation for the final assault to oust the Germans from Sicily. Fighters and bombers
will surprise the Germans with our first nighttime operation of the campaign. The navy will also be performing night time
mission off the coast in order to stop a German battleship and its escorts which have left Licata harbor on their way to
attack their carrier task force. German forces have been severely weakened but keep your eyes open for any surprises.

Mission Brief:
Check the map.

P-51's & P-38's will lift off from San Pietro Airfield and escort the A-20's and P-47's to Licata, then perform a fighter sweep
of the area to keep any Germans that may wake up or patrols already up away from our bombers and 47's. Keep your eyes peeled.

P-47's will take off at Comiso along with the A-20's loaded out with as much explosives as you can. Your target is the airfield
North of Licata. The Germans should be sleeping so destroy as many aircraft on the ground as possible. Our goal is to eventually
use Licata airfield so try to leave as many buildings intact as possible, but don't let this stop you from getting any juicy kills.

A-20's will lift off and fly to Licata harbor. Load out with bombs or torpedoes, sink any ships and damage any infrastructure
near the harbor. Your goal is to cause as much damage to the docks as possible to render them useless to resupply the Germans.

Navy F4U's will load out with bombs and lift off from the Saratoga. Join up with the TBM's and fly to the enemy ships.
Your main priority is to sink the large battleship in the group but there are escort ships as well. Once you expended your
bombs and you can fly in toward Licata to help out then land inland at Comiso or Gela if you're not up for a night time carrier trap.

Navy TBM's will load out with torpedoes and take off with the F4U's and fly toward the enemy ships. Your primary target
is the large battleship amongst the group. If this ship survives the attack it may cause serious problems for the carrier group.
Once again returning to the carrier is optional due to the lack of light out at sea. If you do not feel confident fly to Comiso or Gela.

Doc's float plane is waiting at the North end of the lake North of Gela where the rocket camp was set up. An important
German officer is due into Licata tonight and hes hoping to intercept his plane as it passes through the area to insure its
destruction. If Doc manages to down the German officers plane he will return to Gela harbor where he will be transported
back to Comiso for a full debriefing of his adventures behind enemy lines during this campaign. Good luck Doc.


~S~ Good luck all-


~S~  Auto you should change the name of your campaign to
" The Sicilian Campaign: Mission #5 - Full Moon Over Licata - Staring Doc and his Cocky Float Plane.  LMAO
Look forward to another great time!!
