_AH_Mutley here r links

Started by _AH_Lippy, February 13, 2011, 08:42:19 PM

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Here is the latest version of Hyperlobby  http://hyperfighter.sk/modules.php?name=Downloads

This the latest version of IL2  its DVD  http://www.amazon.com/2-Sturmovik-1946-Pc/dp/B000N4JENW

Here are the 2 updates http://www.strategyinformer.com/pc/patches/il2sturmovik1946/patch.html

Here is Ultra Pack addon   http://ultrapack.il2war.com/index.php?topic=1536.0

Here is the communicatio we are using   http://www.ventrilo.com/download.php

I hope this will help Sir ~S~