The 'Mighty Eight' Campaign - Proposal

Started by _AH_Deviant, January 17, 2009, 02:20:32 PM

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Hey guys! (6)

There has been a lot of talk lately about people making B-17 and other level bombing missions. As well, I've been wanting to make an 8th Air Force campaign for a very long time, ever since the infamous bomber mod came out. However, since the adoption of the universal mod (and its subsequent inclusion of the big four engined bombers), I've decided to take the step (leap (kooky)) forward and design my first ever campaign for you oh so wondrous enjoyment at my usual expense. :happy-026:

Anyway, here's how it will work; this campaign, which will be dynamic with some historical additives, will run once a week as per usual AH procedure. The campaign (not real) starting date will be on the 17th of August, 1942, and will run until the Normandy invasion (or if you do badly enough, to lose against the Germans with Operation Sealion).

If you think this is a great idea, let me know. I could also use some help with finding a good map to do this on.

Anyway, read on!

Campaign Overview

This campaign takes place between the first major combat mission of the 8th Air Force's large strategic bombing campaign, to the launch of Normandy. Unlike previous campaigns, this campaign is highly dynamic (at the sacrifice of near-perfect historical accuracy). How well you do in each mission will determine a few important factors:

1. How much opposition you will face during the following bombing raid.
2. How long it will take for the allies to become strong enough to risk a coastal invasion of France (winning condition).
3. The possibility of a German counteroffensive against the British mainland in an alternate-reality-like Operation Sealion (Losing condition).

I doubt #3 will happen, but consider that extra motivation to not fail. :)

Although the dates will not follow historically (other than the start date), there will be a number of historically accurate situations that will be encompassed in the campaign:

1. Historical weather data will make a rough estimate of what weather was faced in that day. It is possible for a target to be covered in clouds, as per history.
2. Where possible, historical locations of German critical locations (Factories, logistics, V-1 sites) will be created as close to their original locations as possible. In the case the map does not include important locations (say oil refineries), these may be added without historical context.
3. Aircraft types and German technologies will appear as per their actual historical debut. In other words, taking longer than 1944 could put you against the ME-163, Lerches, TA-183's and other 'wonder weapons'. Or, take less time and you may find a technological advantage.

And finally, some important facts:

1. All aircraft (except the exceptions below), are breather only, and are set to 0% fuel. This campaign will be flown completely on the allied side (although I or someone else may, depending on the mission, fly as a famous Axis ace in theater [as breathers tend to be better than any AI in the game  (6)])
2. Both sides will have plenty of flak, so low-flying is very dangerous for both sides.
3. The allies will have AI coastal patrols, which can be called upon for assistance. These are non-flyable.
4. The axis will have patrols and cap flights over german-owned territory. These are non-flyable.

Each mission will be organized by a chosen (or volunteered) Mission Commander. This mission commander is responsible for selecting the target (and secondary target(s) in case of bad weather or spreading the 'love'), to organizing the formation, and to bring everyone home as intact as possible. Mission success or failure hinges on if A) The target is destroyed or heavily damaged, and B) Losses are within the historical limits dictated by the USAAF.

Briefings will be done in a historical manner, using both created and historical assets. I am thinking of a newspaper that comes out after every mission. There will be a standard debrief after every mission on general tactics, etc. However, a full debriefing will be posted the day after (or two, depending on the complexity of the damage). Tracks must be recorded.

Campaign Logistical Overview

Using a dynamic logistical system, I believe that I can bring a situation similar to what happened during the war. Do not worry about these numbers; I will deal with the number crunching personally, while only posting important (and, historically speaking, available) information. There are many points, so please bear with me:

- The allies will have a set income of supplies such as fuel and ammunition for the mainland UK. In order to maintain the supply lines, bombing German submarine pens is necessary.

- The axis will have multiple airfields with aircraft on them. Bombing an airfield will destroy the aircraft available to the Axis for future missions.

- The axis will have aircraft factories. Bombing these will prevent the axis from recuperating aircraft losses from you wascally wabbits. (6)

- The axis will have parts manufacturing facilities (such as ball-bearing producing plants as an example). Destroying this will slow down actual aircraft manufacturing.

- The axis will have vehicle and weapons factories. Bombing these will reduce the casualties inflicted on allied landing forces, will bring the date for the Normandy invasion sooner, and will reduce the chance of the Axis gaining sufficient forces to attack the United Kingdom outright. In addition, this will reduce flak battery replacement, or prevent more from being deployed.

- The axis will have logistics depots. Bombing these will reduce the operational endurance of German units, or even force some flights to fly unarmed as decoys.

- The axis will have oil refineries. Bombing these will cripple the Germans ability to maneuver vehicular units including aircraft for the long term (a la history).

- And finally, later in the war the axis will gain the use of V-1 Rocket sites. Destroying these will prevent them from being launched against your own airfields!

To sum up these points in data, where Axis Benefits show what each item produces for the axis, while allied benefits show how much its loss affects the axis. Note that although there may be over 200 aircraft available for axis at mission start, not all will be airborne in any given mission. As well, some facilities may be 'doubled up'. In other words, one factory could in fact be two factories side by side. Or, you could have a part plant next to a factory. Mission briefings will cover this.

- Ready aircraft = Aircraft that can be flown in the following or current mission.
- New aircraft = Newly assembled aircraft requiring delivery and/or fitting.

Campaign Logistical Statistics

Target Type     Target Minimum
Benefit While Active
     Target Maximum
Benefit While Active
     Target Minimum
Penalty While Destroyed*
     Target Maximum
Penalty While Destroyed*
     Wreck Repair/Rebuilding Time
Airfield     < 16 ready aircraft     < 32 ready aircraft     Static Kill = Plane Loss     Runway Damage = Airdrome Shutdown     2 Weeks
(excludes aircraft)
Aircraft Factory     +1 new aircraft/week     +4 new aircraft/week     ---     ---     4 weeks
Aircraft Parts Factory     ---     ---     -1 ready aircraft     -2 ready aircraft     4 weeks
Vehicle/Weapon Factory     +1 new flak/week
Germany Army Strength +100
     +5 new flak/week
Germany Army Strength +500
     ---     ---     5 weeks
Logistics Facility     ---     ---     Fuel - 2%/ready plane
-4 armed ready aircraft
     Fuel - 10%/ready plane
-12 armed ready aircraft
     4 weeks
Oil Refinery/Drilling Facility     ---     ---     Fuel - 30%/ready plane     Fuel - 60%/ready plane     5 weeks
V-1 Rocket Launch
(13 June 1944+)
     Bombardment Ability     Bombardment Ability En Mass     ---     ---     2 weeks
Submarine Pen     ---     ---     Allied Army + 100     Allied Army + 500     6 weeks
* - Does not count loss of benefit.

As a final note on the points system, destroyed German facilities generally do not stay dead; Depending on the facility, it could take anywhere between two and six weeks. Airfields and V-1 Rocket sites take a short amount of time since airfield surfaces can easily be repaired, or a V-1 site moved.

Campaign Win/Lose Conditions

There is a single variable which is used to track each side's army strength; each army starts with 10,000 points. The axis will gain points as long as their factories (and indirectly, submarine pens) keep standing. On the flip side, the allies will always gain points, but axis Submarine Pens will greatly reduce the income (see the table from before).

One an army has at least double the army points of their opponent, the invasion commences. To understand the length of the campaign, take this example; when the Axis has ten factories and ten submarine pens, a perfect allied scenario would take out all twenty targets. In such an impossible situation, the allies would have the necessary points in four weeks. A more realistic assessment would be around 12 weeks (or longer if things do not go to plan). If I find that the initial statistics are too challenging or easy, I may modify them slightly without compromising the campaign.

Final Word

I'm willing to do the whole caboodle myself (although help would be appreciated in the development stage of this campaign). How does this sound? Two days ago, you flew my B-17 mission; this is pretty much exactly how I would imagine a mission would go (minus the AA cruisers; that's my bad). Opinions?


That has to be the biggest post I've ever seen.

I'm in.



~S~ Dev.   Useing one finger to type, this must have taken a week to do but, I'm in.
I love my country..It's the government I'm afraid of.


At that awkward age where your brain has gone from " Probably shouldn't say that" to
"What the hell, let's see what happens"?  Me too.



Fly'n is the second greatest thrill
known to man, Landing is the first!
  Major _AH_Rgaa
        A Flight




Sounds interesting Dev. If I can be online, I'm in.

"I wish I was who I was when I wanted to be what I am today" - Jimi Hendrix


...if it's just for fun, why do they keep points?



Sounds great, we might be able to actually fly a Dev mission and shoot at something! Id be happy to help in anyway I can Dev!


Nice work Dev, really, impressive.   I'm in....just hope work don't get in the way with this one......



If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.


So far 100% approval.  :cool:

I'll work on the preliminary work once I've done A and D briefings for the upcoming FNF.  (wavey)


I must add, impressive as well. Wow, that table must have taken you forever to write up in BBC! :)