*S* from Bane!

Started by 3rd_BG-Bane, September 04, 2011, 06:11:47 PM

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*S* All,
I am Bane, formerly of the 3rd Bombardment Group, which is, sadly, no longer in existence in the virtual sense.  Anyway, a few know me around here, and know what my capabilities are as a dedicated bomber pilot, so I thought I'd register up on your forums and introduce myself to those that don't know me very well. 

I have been flying IL-2 since 2006, took a break from 2009 to now, and I am just getting back into the Saddle again.

Started out with the VPF, then moved over to the VBF-12, then help to start a fledgeling VMF-124, until finally I started up the 3rd BG.  Those are the squadron's I was involved with.  On a more interesting side, I did alot of the start up work for Ground Zero, SEOW independent   service that has several SEOW Campaigns going on at any one time.  If you're looking for something as real as it gets, I'd suggest looking at Ground Zero, http://groundzeroseow.com

As far as the bombers go. . . I have found an immense source of material and use it as the epitome of the Bomber base of skills for IL-2.  It's called "The Level Bombing Manual" and was written by T.}{.O.R. from the Fallen Angels website.  This manual gives you everything you need to know to fly the bombers from the A-20 up.  It is an incredible and valued source for ANY bomber pilot looking to improve their bombing capabilities.   Link can be found here: http://www.battle-fields.com/commscentre/showthread.php?18146-LEVEL-BOMBING-MANUAL-v2.0-RELEASED

As for what I am doing now? Well, I am just flying around trying to enjoy as much of IL-2:1946 and IL-2:CoD as much as I can.  No real plans to start up the 3rd again, but kinda want to keep that option open.  The 3rd was a completely dedicated Bomber unit, which depended on outside squadron fighter support.  In other words, if a fighter pilot wanted to join the 3rd, he or she would get redirected to another unit that would fly escorts for us.

Formation flying was the key element to our success as a unit.  And I am kinda looking for that again.  I still have some work to do on my installs of IL-2:1946 and CoD, but I have finally gotten both HSFX 5.01 and UP 3.04 working on my system.  I should be able to offer help in getting those who need either installed.  Send me a PM here, or if you see me in Hyperlobby as 3rd_BG-Bane, send me a pager there.

OH, almost forget.  I do have a complete and working setup of SEOW which is capable of running simultaneous Campaigns for each sector.  And should someone wish to try out the Multi-Sector Campaigns I can set that up to.  Am I looking to compete with Ground Zero and SEOWHQ? No, I just do it cause it's fun for me and a challenge.  I enjoy it. Strange, I know.

Anyway, I hope this isn't too much of a ramble.  Good meeting all those pilots I did last night.




We recently lost one of our best high alt. bomber pilots. Would be nice to have another expert hanging around.

Might be nice to even have our own dedicated bomber wing.

Who knows, you might even like flyin' with this "lot" enough to sew an AH patch on that B3 jacket.....



Thanks for the kind words, Col. Hogan!



Thankyou Mr. Bane... I find bmbr s very interesting and although I fly them alot most of my sucess comes from lower level drops, or dive bombing... I shall look up this manual u have mentioned and look forward to chating with you.....come fly with us when u have time........ salute and welcome...........................................................................AH_ Nimble


Thanks for vote of confidence!

Anyway, I had forgotten another semi-important program that I used with the 3rd BG, and that is the Advanced Tactical Center, or ATC from Foolish Entertainment.  The Link: http://www.foolishentertainment.com/Default.aspx

What this program does is create a "whiteboard" setup that everyone can join in on and receive a briefing on the Operation at hand.  For Bomber Pilots some advanced Recon helps alot, and with this program, you can give the Squadron Leader and his Element Leads an idea of the Target before launch of the operation.  You can make Tactical Plans and get everyone on the same page before an op, which can help.

Also, with large Bomber Formations it helps alot with prior placements in the Squadron layout.  For those that have downloaded and read the Level Bomb Manual by T.}{.O.R. will know what I am talking about from his diagrams in the Manual.

Over at the 3rd BG, we worked very hard on formation flying, as that is the main key to a successful high altitude level bombing mission.  Formation flying improves the defensive capabilities of the bombers, as well as it offensive capabilities when on the IP Run.  More bombers in tight formation = more bombs on Target.  We didn't look at getting individual results as much as group results.  It worked really well.

Also, going back to some earlier thoughts. . . When the 3rd Trained, we trained in the venerable B-25.  As most of the modded heavies were based off the B-25's flight model, it made for easy transition from one bomber to the other.  So far, I haven't found anything different in the new mods of HSFX 5.01 and UP 3.04, but then again I haven't flown all the heavies in the new mods as yet.

ATC takes a little prep work for the Mission Commander to get working, such as, setting up the proper map packs, and setting up the tactical display.  However, once that is done it's easy cheesy to go back and use the maps and such on a later mission, or even campaign.

If ATC looks like something you guys would like to adopt, lemme know as I can then help your Mission Commanders get it setup and running properly.



~S~ We have used ATC for a long time.
I love my country..It's the government I'm afraid of.


Yup, it was a part of our campaigns in the past. Kinda fell out of use when we could'nt all fit in one "room".


"In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Good Will" - Winston S. Churchill


~S~ Bane
I love the bombers as well . love the high alt stuff
~S~ Bear


I still have my ATC... from those days... and bombing is great.... tho I mostly dive bmb or skip bmb.....which is why flak is such a problem..... a bmbing wing would be a nice edition... tricky stuff...takes a little getting used to .... getting the plane on the right course, setting the angle for the speed and alt. .....Im one who needs a long approach...hahaha :bomb-034:


~S~ I like high altitude bombing IF it is an air start at 35,000 ft. I don't like high altitude bombing if you have full fuel load...max. bomb load...3 mile runway to get the thing airborn and 2 hours to get to assigned alt. and trying to fly just above stall speed waiting for straglers to catch up. Just give me a F6F or F4U and lets GO  GO  GO!!!.
I love my country..It's the government I'm afraid of.