Beta Testing! A present...

Started by _AH_Duff4r, May 10, 2010, 12:48:59 AM

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...for all you Modders on "Modder's Day"  :happy-112:

This program allows you to automagically match your MODs to the host you are joining.

How will this help us?
 We generally have only a few that host, i.e. Jack, Fox, Skat, Zip, BBQ... We will be able to add their servers to our Server Library.  All you need to know, via Ventrilo is.....who's hosting.  Highlight their server and press the upper left button, "Join (w/ auto configure)" and....whaaaalaaaah! You be in the game with the right stuff!

....and guess what? When you leave that server it automatically re-enters your previous MODS back in! Nice!

IT IS BETA and many of the servers are not yet listed.

How it works:

You launch "IL-2 Server Library" INSTEAD of Hyperlobby!!

1.) Download: IL-2 Server Library <== Click here!

2.) IMPORTANT - Install this to your IL-2 MAIN Game folder.  NOTE - If you have more that one version then you will need to install this to each version you want it to work with.  A launch Icon will appear on your desktop and in your "Quick Launch" toolbar if you have it enabled!

3.) Click on the "Setup Button" Lower right and browse to your IL-2 Main Game folder. Insert your handle. Put a check mark in "Redirect Hyperlobby" as I have done, below:

4.) Now simply select the Server you want to join as I have done below:

It will automatically remove and add MODs until your game and the server you're joining MATCH!! Cool hey?


==> Depending on the server you join you MAY have to minus out ( - ) your MODS Folder.

==> If you are using extra Sound MODS in your Files folder you MAY have to return that to default. That means, you must minus out your Modded "Presets" Folder and your Modded "Samples" Folder and return to the original default "samples" folder, removing the ( - ) you currently have in front of it.

This is really easy to use if you currently don't use your "MODS" folder so it looks like this (-MODS) and have not added Modded sounds to your Files folder.

I will be able to help anyone that wishes help!  :help-sos-sos-29402:


Duff on Stuff


Can't get it to download Duff.  I'll need another download link from somewhere else.  My Antivirus is doing it to this site for some reason.



I didn't have it in a "ZIP" format, AV's no likey!
