The Sicilian Campaign: Mission #4 - Over The River Gela

Started by _AH_Autorotate, September 28, 2009, 11:47:04 AM

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The Sicilian Campaign
Mission #4:
Over The River Gela
July 21st 1943

Our push in the South has begun but there is one obstacle in our way, and for once it's not the German army. It's the
Gela River which flows just East of the city itself North to the Gela Airfield. The Germans have retreated over the river
and blown both the bridges which lead into town in an attempt to slow our assault. Right now our engineers are building
a pontoon bridge while under fire from the Germans by the old bridges. They are almost complete but we need to give
the Germans something else to worry about so our ground forces can roll into the city and end the occupation. Our
flights will attack any targets of opportunity in and around the city giving our ground forces a chance to bring their
tanks across the bridge and roll into town. This is a big turning point in the battle for Sicily, so do your part in the epic
battle. We will also be getting some assistance from the Navy during this battle in the form of air cover and dive bombers.

Mission Brief:
Check the map.

P-47's will take off Comiso loaded with bombs and rockets. Attack any German tanks, trains, arty, and anti-aircraft
guns in the city. Our forces will be assaulting from the East by the river in close proximity to the Germans so be careful
not to drop any pain on allied forces.

P-51's will follow the P-47's to Gela and perform a fighter sweep of the area to keep anyone off our planes making
attack runs on the enemy. Keep your eyes peeled.

A-20's will lift off and fly to Gela harbor, Sink any ships trying to escape the harbor and any other targets of
opportunity in and around the docks.

Navy F4U's will lift off from the Saratoga and climb to a good altitude to cover the SBD's. Fly to Gela so you can
provide air cover from incoming German fighters. Remain in the area as long as needed then return to the Saratoga.

Navy SBD's will launch with the F4U's and fly toward Gela searching for enemy shipping trying to escape from Gela.
Ships were seen leaving the harbor and are probably loaded with weapons and ammo. They need to be sunk to cripple
the German war machine. Sink what you can and then return to the Saratoga.

**Last Minute Addition For Doc**
Doc's MRB-2 will lift off from a seaplane base near Berdina Nuova and fly toward Gela. Upon reaching the Gela River
turn North avoiding enemy fire to a lake located NNW of Gela airfield. Intel has reported a German camp were something
strange is up. Upon arriving, bomb the German camp located at the lake and destroy what ever the Germans are setting up there.


~S~ Good luck-



If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.


~S~                   F4U...I am IN...4...U
I love my country..It's the government I'm afraid of.