
Started by _AH_Zipzag, October 24, 2010, 04:51:09 PM

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Ive got my MG set at 175 only cause im usually in close and cannons at 150 , During the last mission I was .40-.50 when I fired at a HE 111 and lit up all 4 engines , So im not so sure about these range settings , or could it be that all the rounds went stray and hit all 4 engines by chance. Which is what im leaning to .  So im not so sure any more . Ive heard different settings that work well for some others . I even heard some peeps mention some one keeps theres at zero zero , What does that do make them go strait ?

  ~S~ Zip


Your convergance seems to be about half the distance that you fired from.  Is it possible that you bullets crossed pathes and struck the bomber?  By that i mean the guns in your right wing struck the left wing of your target and vise versa

I am a big fan of 275 MG and 300 for cannon.  These ranges for me, allow a long difflection shot to disable and are still tight enough for a close in kill.


Watch your 6, Own your 12, Hug an 11, Kiss a 29.


That was a pretty amazing shot Polewhack! You flamed 2 more engines than the aircraft even had!   :surprised-027:

I used to always use 300 on both. The last few months I've gone to 275 and now to 250 on both. I hear 175 is popular with alot of guys.


"In War: Resolution, In Defeat: Defiance, In Victory: Magnanimity, In Peace: Good Will" - Winston S. Churchill


lol I guess I was seeing double  :lol-034: