Aces High

General Category => Campaigns => Topic started by: _AH_BBQhead on October 12, 2007, 01:35:28 PM

Title: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on October 12, 2007, 01:35:28 PM
S~. Please use this topic thread for all discussion regarding the Stalingrad Campaign.

Campaign overview and Mission 1 briefing docs are available at:;dl=item56 (;dl=item56) 

I was thinking we might run this one with the minimap turned off, but in reading the overview Crash recommends flying the waypoints. What i want to do, with Crash's stamp of approval, is open the mission off line, pick a plane from each flight in order to view the waypoints for that flight, record which grids the turns are in. Then supply those coordinates to everyone, most likely by posting them here. or with the mission brief, or both.
Crash also mentioned in the overview that we will have no radar..not using "Ctrl+F2" to locate enemy planes. I like the idea, but i have seen in some of the early VMF tracks, when enemy views were also disallowed, Allied planes make a seemlingly random turn, and then hold a heading for quite a while  until lo and behold... enemy planes are right in front of them.. where they couldn't have been  expected... I'm not ready to say i saw AH members intentionally taking an unfair advantage.. but i felt it needed mentioning.. please remember to not use enemy views while flying the Stalingrad Campaign.     
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_Mutley on October 12, 2007, 02:11:58 PM
I'm with BBQ on this. Kill the enemy view nonsense and the minimap. Have all pilots show up an hour early for a real briefing and study of the map...then have at it.  :lol-029:
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_crash on October 13, 2007, 01:31:39 AM
Heck yes! I love the idea of doing away with the mini-map and just using the coorinates to turn. Let's try it! Though, I would recommend sticking as close to the waypoint paths as possible given we wont be able to see 'em. As we found in the VMF missions, it's just too easy to "throw the mission off" by flying completely unexpected or roundabout flight paths.
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on October 13, 2007, 06:28:22 PM
S~Alrighteee then. Let's get lost over Europe! I tested a game load today from the campaign with the minimap path off, and it will show us the waypaths in the brief. So bring a notepad to the briefing, write down where you're starting, where you're supposed to turn and where you're going, strap it to your leg, and stay with your flight.. and maybe drop some bread crumbs as ya fly just in case.
  I can feel the anticipation starting to build.. i knew i should bought the squirty bottle of ketchup.

The one thing we haven't discussed is the scoring. personally i'd like to ignore the in game score and use scoring that shows what we consider good play.

i was thinking of something like.. 15 pts. per engine for shooting down an enemy plane, 20 pts per ground target, 5 pts for flying the mission, 10 points for bailing out and surviving, 20 pts. for surviving a crash landing,  40 pts.for safely landing intact, 10 extra points if you land or bail out at the correct base. 

There should also be a flight bonus for all in a flight safely landing at base.
I'm not sure if the way the missions are set up that we'll be able to have all in "A" flight, for example,  flying the same in game flight points will go to each pilot in the in game flight, and he will take those points back to his AH flight's tote board. 30 pts. to each pilot for all pilots in a flight safely landing intact planes at the correct base. 20 to each if all return to base including crash landings and bail outs, 10 to each if all survive. 

I don't want to get too bogged down in scoring, the purpose if the mission is primarily to have fun.. but scoring certainly adds to it if we don't take it too seriously and/or make it too complicated. 
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_Mutley on October 13, 2007, 07:42:41 PM
Keep it on the fun side of the ledger and not let personal scores become an issue. I'm lookin forward to it.  :lol-029:
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on October 15, 2007, 02:47:33 PM
S` All. Good run over Stalingrad last night. I guess we shoulda had a little debrief after.. We'll run  Mission #2 this coming sunday. i'll add it to the calendar later today. If any one has an idea about changes for next week's mission, please post it would TS be preferred.. do we want to release the mission brief ahead of time and put more effort into planning? change any game settings? etc.
      THanks, Crash for putting it together. 
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_*PODS*_RGAA on October 15, 2007, 04:26:58 PM
I believe Vent. would be good for the mission ..... if we could just split the flights up so there is communication amongst the members of there perspective flights. Not really a need for coms between each flight if the flights have assigned jobs. I believe there would be a lot less clogged coms and more team work among the players in each flight. Just a thought! ~S~
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_taldrg on October 15, 2007, 04:55:06 PM
~S~ All. I truly enjoy BOTH of the ongoing missions but, I would enjoy them more if I could be assigned as wingman to someone. It seems like the same pilots are always there and it should not be that difficault. I just do better if I fly wingman. I am no good at running around by myself and playing the keyboard. Please note that this is just me and not ment at anyone else.
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on October 18, 2007, 04:20:16 PM
Oct. 21, Stalingrad Campaign Mission #2

Mission #2 of the Stalingrad Campaign is scheduled to launch at 9:00pm Eastern.

I'm not sure what maps will be used throughout the entire campaign. We'll try and get that answered at the meeting.
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_Moby on October 19, 2007, 09:11:54 AM
~S~ AH!  I would love to have the opportunity to fly as an attached pilot for the Stalingrad Campaign, however, I hear TD is looking for a wingman.....  Request assignment as TD's wingman for the Stalingrad Campaign.  (wavey)

I will be on comms Sunday night and look forward to this one!!!


Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_Rumely on October 21, 2007, 11:06:35 PM
The score board is up and running for this new campaign there is a link from the main AH page. I will post it here for you all if you would like to have a quick look (   :drinking-29:
Remember to bring your Vodka
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on October 21, 2007, 11:26:32 PM
S~ . Nice job on the scoreboard, Rumely .. Thanks.
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_crash on October 22, 2007, 12:02:44 AM
just got back from outta town.....'bout 1 hour till the second mission.
Great job on the scoreboard, Rumley! Thanks! the map we're using for the whole campaign is the stalingrad map... summer and winter... they're both the same. It's a big map, so you can mostly concentrate your familarization on the areas west and east of the city of stalingrad (there are few north and south-oriented missions) and over the city itself.
PS for skins.. get yerself some good winter skins for the YAK 9 series and the IL-2 series 3 planes!
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on October 25, 2007, 10:34:43 PM
Stalingrad #3 Brief is available for download.  YOu can get by going to the view downloads section of the PX.
  Also included is a jpg of the area of the map we'll be flying over. it is suitable for ATC, but can also just be viewed as a jpg for landmark familiarization.

  Crash has asked that we all review the mission brief prior to Sunday's Mission.  The campaign is going well.. but in order to get even more fun out of it, Crash has added a more detailed briefing so we can do a little more strateegereee planning leading up to the mission.   
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on October 27, 2007, 01:20:16 AM
S~ All. Since we're getting a more detailed brief, seems it would be best to have some one head up each mission. Since Foxbat was going to lead in two weeks for the VMF, we've moved him up in the schedule and will be leading this Sunday at Stalingrad instead.   Gonzo is still slated as Mission CO for this Tuesday's VMF Mission.   
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_Rumely on November 08, 2007, 12:51:41 AM
Mission 5 has been posted on the server for viewing and download.

Stalingrad (
Title: Stalingrad Campaign Mission # 5 Orders
Post by: _AH_Moggy on November 09, 2007, 03:28:32 AM
From:  Commanding Officer, 57th GvIAP
To:      Guard Squadron Flight Personnel
Subj:   Stalingrad Campaign Mission # 5 Orders

The mission commander's orders for mission # 5 are up for download!

All orders are pending Commissar Crash's approval, so until then they are all TENTATIVE!

All flight personnel are directed to download and review the orders!

Comrade Moggy
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_crash on November 10, 2007, 12:40:15 AM
Just downloaded the mission 5 CO's brief Comrade Moggy has put up.  :cool:
Da! That's the spirit, Comrades! I see an Order of Lennin forthcomming if we succeed! Maybe someone will get a Hero of the Soviet Union!  All glory to Comrade Stalin and not one step back!!!

Commisar Crash
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on November 10, 2007, 01:06:08 AM
S~ All. Signing in.  i thought it was Lennon.. but maybe yoko made him change it.. you know how she was.  (6)
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_DarkWolf on November 18, 2007, 01:34:49 AM
Something to note about the campaign. This is mission #5 this weekend, but Moggy's orders from LAST weeks mission is also listed as #5. So make sure not to download last weeks orders by mistake.

Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_Rumely on November 18, 2007, 03:47:57 PM
Mission  has been posted on the server for viewing and download.

Stalingrad (

This is the link for the score board as there is a copy of the brief posted online and also there is a current download link for the mission
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on November 18, 2007, 04:46:25 PM
S~. Moggy led mission 5 already..  Mission 6 is scheduled for this evening.. Ghost is slated as Mission CO for this one..
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_DarkWolf on November 18, 2007, 06:32:15 PM

    Oh, it's mission number 6? I was going by the scoreboard which shows no one with more than 4 sorties.

Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_Rumely on November 18, 2007, 08:09:41 PM
That is correct, as the mission stats for mission 5 have not been summited yet for posting.
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on November 18, 2007, 10:15:58 PM
S~ just got back from flyin school... gonna trry to get through the mission track now so i can get the scores to Rumely for posting......been busy this week... busier than usual anyway.. sorry about the delay.. 
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on November 22, 2007, 03:57:18 AM
S~ All. Skat is Mission CO for the upcoming Stalingrad mission.

  Mission Brief is available int he downloads section of the PX.
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH__SKATtrash on November 24, 2007, 02:43:15 AM
Good Morning Comrades.

  The results of the last mission to protect Stalingrad
have reached Moscow.  The Great Leader Stalin was not
happy with the report.

  The attack on the forward enemy airfield near Stepnoy
shall proceed as follows:

Flights "A" and "B" consisting of the IL-2M's shall take off
Pitomik AF and proceed 220* to the the joining of the two
lakes in H8/k5 and form up.

  "A" flight shall form up at 1000m over the the northern
side ot the the lakes joining.

  "B" flight shall form up at 850m over the southern side of
the lakes joining.

  At the command of the mission leader they shall both
proceed 280* to the target in F8/k8.

  Once over target flight commander's shall decide the
attack posture of their flights.  "A" and "B" commander's
are responsible for cordinating the attack so that the two
flights do not interfere with each other. Suggest one flight
at a time attack AF or, alternately, one flight attack AF
other the enemy vehicle traffic in the area.
   The recommended egress form the target area is 90*
keeping south of the river/road network in the row "9"
area back toward  Stalingrad till the the airfield at Pitomik
is sighted.  Try to maintain flight cohesion as much as
possible for mutual support. 

  Flight "C" shall take off Pitomik AF and form up over the
joining of the two lakes in H8/k5 at an altititude of 2500m
to 3500m (commanders discretion) and will escort the
bombers to and (hopefully) from target. 

  Flight "D" shall take off Pitomik AF, form up while
climbing (altitude at flight commander discretion) and
proceed 250* directly  to the target area F8/k8. 
  When "D" flight is formed up and ready to proceed the
flight commander shall inform mission commander, the
ingress towards target will not proceed until this flight is
formed up.  (You guys have the tough part, form up as
quickly as possible, the mission hangs on this.)
  If/when enemy fighters are encountered attempt to draw
them NORTH away from the bombers. Engagement of
enemy aircraft shall be at the flight commanders

5th flight (If available) shall follow the same flight plan as
"D" flight, BUT when "D" flight calls ready the mission
proceeds regardless of 5th flight situation.

  6th flight (If available) shall follow the same flight plan
as "A" and "B" flight but shall form up east of the lake
joining I8/k4 at 1000m.  This flight will be "on call " to
attack the main target but will be free to attack vehicle
traffic around the enemy AF.
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_DarkWolf on November 25, 2007, 01:19:38 PM
Cool, let me just get prepped...

AH #%@#! I'M DRAGGING LIKE 8 109s! NO, I DON'T KNOW WHERE THE %@$# I AM! SWEET MOTHER OF @$#% #$%%$  #%$%$#@  $%#@!!!!!

Ok, I'm ready.

Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_Mutley on November 25, 2007, 02:03:03 PM
Yastrovia......wodka in da flask. Hic....comrade mutley, private no class, ready to fly. :drinking-29:  :drinking-29:
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_Gonzo on November 25, 2007, 03:44:51 PM
Good for tonight's Eastern Front hop.

Not sure if it's been updated but there's a couple of errors on the scoreboard page though:

_AH_Nimble shows up twice. Once as a civilian and as a member of A Flight. Can the tally be amalgamated?

My score shows two sorties and two kills. It should be three and seven respectively.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. I thought us Russian pilots had an extra Vodka ration allowance?
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_Moby on November 26, 2007, 02:31:35 AM
~S~ AH!!!

Sorry I had to miss this last Stalingrad run....  :censored-015:

Work got in the way again, I will however be ready for Tuesday night's VMF 223 mission though!!!

Hope you had fun, I wish I was there to lend a hand!


Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on November 29, 2007, 12:19:27 AM
S~ All. Mission 8 Briefing is available for download in the PX.

i don't think we've got a Mission leader assigned for this one yet..Who  wants gum?  ( yes gum in this instance is referring to mission command) If i don't hear from some one by tomorrow.. i'll pick some one.
My preference is some one that hasn't had a chance to lead a campaign mission yet.. but we'll see who we get. 

the Stalingrad scoreboard is usually updated shortly before the next mission in the campaign is to be you're seeing the delay  there Gonzo.. and everyone else..but i'll be the first to say that i am quite capable of making mistakes so don't be shy if you think i missed something.  thank you for your patience.. some of the scoring  i do isn't exactly laid out specifically in the post i made initially.. i didn't go into great detail about the odd  circumstance here and there.. but just to give you an idea of what counts.. getting back to base with your plane intact is best.. close to base is good.. ditching is better than bailing out (you can bail out after ditching or landing no penalty).  getting killed is bad... getting captured isn't as bad as getting killed.. If you do bail out.. it's considered successful only if you stay alive until your pilot run across the ground hits the dirt and then disappears.       
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on November 29, 2007, 05:07:29 PM
S~ All. Slikk is going to be leading us in for this one.
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_Slikk on December 02, 2007, 06:21:45 AM
~S~ Good day comrades.

The whole aim of today's mission is to make sure that the supply train convoy departing the station at Gorkovsky delivers its much-needed cargo to our troops on the ground.

"B" flight will be flying IL-2's. "B" flight's mission is pretty straightforward; you will be flying support for the (Supply Train Convoy). You will take off from Pitomik Airfield and fly due west at low altitude and attack enemy AA, artillery and tank formations along the train rout. These are your primary targets. Any other ground troops and material that you find along the way are secondary.

"A" flight will be flying P-39's. I want "A" flight to stick with the IL-2's and provide top cover for them.

Once the IL-2's have cleared the rout of AA, artillery and tank formations, the P-39's will escort the IL-2's back to base.

After the IL-2's are safely back to base I want the P-39's to remain on station in reserve and fly CAP over Pitomik Airfield.

As for our fighters... Front line troops have reported a flight of enemy (Ju-87 stuka) dive-bombers with fighter escort crossing the lines at (Gulf-10 kp3) headed SE.

"C" flight will be flying Yak-9's. Sense "C" flight will be lined up in first position I want them to fly intercept. "C" flight will fly balls out at an altitude of around (1000 to 2000M) (Flight leaders discretion) and at a heading of (240*) and make a B-line straight to (Noviy Rogachik) to intercept the reported incoming enemy aircraft. "C" flight will concentrate on the fighter escort, hopefully leaving their bombers unprotected for "D" flight to mop up.

"D" flight will be flying Yak-9's as well. "D" flight will fly at a heading of (195*) to (India-9 kp3) and then head west along the train rout and at an altitude of around (1000 to 2000M) (Flight leaders discretion). This will provide a second layer of fighters in case the reported incoming enemy aircraft happen to slip by "C" flight's intercept undetected.

In the event that the enemy aircraft do happen to slip by "C" flight's intercept undetected, "D" flight will then attack the enemy fighters and "A & C" flights will be vectored to attack the enemy bombers.

Egress for all flights will be (090*) to Pitomik Airfield.

That is all comrades, Good luck!
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on December 02, 2007, 03:21:08 PM
S~.  Good plan, Slikk.   
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_DarkWolf on December 02, 2007, 10:38:13 PM
Quote from: _AH_Spardog on December 02, 2007, 03:09:08 PM


*cuts and pastes to Homeland Security*

Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_crash on December 03, 2007, 12:54:01 AM
Danm fine plan, Slikk! Gonna have to start makin' these missions harder with plans like these, sssheesh!
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on December 06, 2007, 07:41:48 PM
Stalingrad Mission 9 brief is available for download in the Aces High PX.
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on December 10, 2007, 04:26:15 AM
S~ Good fun over Stalingrad tonight.. lots of good dogfights going on.. It seems as though plans to withdraw from pitomik have begun..  Cobra was volunteered to lead us for mission # 10. 
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on January 27, 2008, 05:03:14 PM
S~ All. After a couple of false starts the past couple of weeks.. we're hoping to get the Stalingrad campaign rolling again tonight.   Tonight's mission will be mission 9..   if 'm not mistaken next sunday is 'the big game' .. so we'll probably skip a week again.. i'm almost thinking we could run Stalingrad on tuesday until we start the euro campaign.. which is getting quite close really..     
Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_DarkWolf on January 27, 2008, 10:55:02 PM
BB, where abouts can I find the Mission #9 briefing? I've looked around the various download pages but cannot find it.

Title: Re: Stalingrad Campaign
Post by: _AH_BBQhead on January 28, 2008, 04:54:11 AM
S~.  Sorry about the brief for mission 9 not being available.. i thought it was still there from when we flewit the first time... but i couldn't find it either..  i usually put them in the misc files folder that is available to registered members of the site... so the guys that are not AH that fly with us can get it if they would like.  the brief for mission 11 is there now.. you could go to the downloads link in the PX.. then scroll down just a bit and you should see the different folders that have uploaded files in them.  you can click on the text next to the folder icon to open that folder and view the available files in there. so to get to misison 11 brief you would click in the view downlaods, then scroll down to see misc file folder , then click there..orrrr use this link:;dl=item97 (;dl=item97)   

Mission 11 is scheduled for Feb. 10th.   
Title: Re: Mission # 16
Post by: _AH_Moggy on March 16, 2008, 01:24:00 PM
~S~ all:

Mission Commander's plan for tonight's mission # 16 is available for download.  Go to "view downloads section;" look for "Stalingrad 16 MC."

NOTE:  I will have ATC up and running for the brief.  All hands participating are directed to download and install the ATC map that AH_Crash provided in his original mission brief (install using the file's original name in your "Stalingrad" ATC folder).
