Stalingrad Campaign

Started by _AH_BBQhead, October 12, 2007, 01:35:28 PM

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S~. Please use this topic thread for all discussion regarding the Stalingrad Campaign.

Campaign overview and Mission 1 briefing docs are available at:;dl=item56 

I was thinking we might run this one with the minimap turned off, but in reading the overview Crash recommends flying the waypoints. What i want to do, with Crash's stamp of approval, is open the mission off line, pick a plane from each flight in order to view the waypoints for that flight, record which grids the turns are in. Then supply those coordinates to everyone, most likely by posting them here. or with the mission brief, or both.
Crash also mentioned in the overview that we will have no radar..not using "Ctrl+F2" to locate enemy planes. I like the idea, but i have seen in some of the early VMF tracks, when enemy views were also disallowed, Allied planes make a seemlingly random turn, and then hold a heading for quite a while  until lo and behold... enemy planes are right in front of them.. where they couldn't have been  expected... I'm not ready to say i saw AH members intentionally taking an unfair advantage.. but i felt it needed mentioning.. please remember to not use enemy views while flying the Stalingrad Campaign.     

At that awkward age where your brain has gone from " Probably shouldn't say that" to
"What the hell, let's see what happens"?  Me too.


I'm with BBQ on this. Kill the enemy view nonsense and the minimap. Have all pilots show up an hour early for a real briefing and study of the map...then have at it.  :lol-029:


Heck yes! I love the idea of doing away with the mini-map and just using the coorinates to turn. Let's try it! Though, I would recommend sticking as close to the waypoint paths as possible given we wont be able to see 'em. As we found in the VMF missions, it's just too easy to "throw the mission off" by flying completely unexpected or roundabout flight paths.


S~Alrighteee then. Let's get lost over Europe! I tested a game load today from the campaign with the minimap path off, and it will show us the waypaths in the brief. So bring a notepad to the briefing, write down where you're starting, where you're supposed to turn and where you're going, strap it to your leg, and stay with your flight.. and maybe drop some bread crumbs as ya fly just in case.
  I can feel the anticipation starting to build.. i knew i should bought the squirty bottle of ketchup.

The one thing we haven't discussed is the scoring. personally i'd like to ignore the in game score and use scoring that shows what we consider good play.

i was thinking of something like.. 15 pts. per engine for shooting down an enemy plane, 20 pts per ground target, 5 pts for flying the mission, 10 points for bailing out and surviving, 20 pts. for surviving a crash landing,  40 pts.for safely landing intact, 10 extra points if you land or bail out at the correct base. 

There should also be a flight bonus for all in a flight safely landing at base.
I'm not sure if the way the missions are set up that we'll be able to have all in "A" flight, for example,  flying the same in game flight points will go to each pilot in the in game flight, and he will take those points back to his AH flight's tote board. 30 pts. to each pilot for all pilots in a flight safely landing intact planes at the correct base. 20 to each if all return to base including crash landings and bail outs, 10 to each if all survive. 

I don't want to get too bogged down in scoring, the purpose if the mission is primarily to have fun.. but scoring certainly adds to it if we don't take it too seriously and/or make it too complicated. 

At that awkward age where your brain has gone from " Probably shouldn't say that" to
"What the hell, let's see what happens"?  Me too.


Keep it on the fun side of the ledger and not let personal scores become an issue. I'm lookin forward to it.  :lol-029:


S` All. Good run over Stalingrad last night. I guess we shoulda had a little debrief after.. We'll run  Mission #2 this coming sunday. i'll add it to the calendar later today. If any one has an idea about changes for next week's mission, please post it would TS be preferred.. do we want to release the mission brief ahead of time and put more effort into planning? change any game settings? etc.
      THanks, Crash for putting it together. 

At that awkward age where your brain has gone from " Probably shouldn't say that" to
"What the hell, let's see what happens"?  Me too.


I believe Vent. would be good for the mission ..... if we could just split the flights up so there is communication amongst the members of there perspective flights. Not really a need for coms between each flight if the flights have assigned jobs. I believe there would be a lot less clogged coms and more team work among the players in each flight. Just a thought! ~S~

Fly'n is the second greatest thrill
known to man, Landing is the first!
  Major _AH_Rgaa
        A Flight


~S~ All. I truly enjoy BOTH of the ongoing missions but, I would enjoy them more if I could be assigned as wingman to someone. It seems like the same pilots are always there and it should not be that difficault. I just do better if I fly wingman. I am no good at running around by myself and playing the keyboard. Please note that this is just me and not ment at anyone else.
I love my country..It's the government I'm afraid of.


Oct. 21, Stalingrad Campaign Mission #2

Mission #2 of the Stalingrad Campaign is scheduled to launch at 9:00pm Eastern.

I'm not sure what maps will be used throughout the entire campaign. We'll try and get that answered at the meeting.

At that awkward age where your brain has gone from " Probably shouldn't say that" to
"What the hell, let's see what happens"?  Me too.


~S~ AH!  I would love to have the opportunity to fly as an attached pilot for the Stalingrad Campaign, however, I hear TD is looking for a wingman.....  Request assignment as TD's wingman for the Stalingrad Campaign.  (wavey)

I will be on comms Sunday night and look forward to this one!!!



If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.


The score board is up and running for this new campaign there is a link from the main AH page. I will post it here for you all if you would like to have a quick look   :drinking-29:
Remember to bring your Vodka


S~ . Nice job on the scoreboard, Rumely .. Thanks.

At that awkward age where your brain has gone from " Probably shouldn't say that" to
"What the hell, let's see what happens"?  Me too.


just got back from outta town.....'bout 1 hour till the second mission.
Great job on the scoreboard, Rumley! Thanks! the map we're using for the whole campaign is the stalingrad map... summer and winter... they're both the same. It's a big map, so you can mostly concentrate your familarization on the areas west and east of the city of stalingrad (there are few north and south-oriented missions) and over the city itself.
PS for skins.. get yerself some good winter skins for the YAK 9 series and the IL-2 series 3 planes!


Stalingrad #3 Brief is available for download.  YOu can get by going to the view downloads section of the PX.
  Also included is a jpg of the area of the map we'll be flying over. it is suitable for ATC, but can also just be viewed as a jpg for landmark familiarization.

  Crash has asked that we all review the mission brief prior to Sunday's Mission.  The campaign is going well.. but in order to get even more fun out of it, Crash has added a more detailed briefing so we can do a little more strateegereee planning leading up to the mission.   

At that awkward age where your brain has gone from " Probably shouldn't say that" to
"What the hell, let's see what happens"?  Me too.


S~ All. Since we're getting a more detailed brief, seems it would be best to have some one head up each mission. Since Foxbat was going to lead in two weeks for the VMF, we've moved him up in the schedule and will be leading this Sunday at Stalingrad instead.   Gonzo is still slated as Mission CO for this Tuesday's VMF Mission.   

At that awkward age where your brain has gone from " Probably shouldn't say that" to
"What the hell, let's see what happens"?  Me too.